Site Loader

I’ve got the suckiest minions. They can’t even post links to things I’ve already written. I mean, it’s not like I’m asking them to write something new. Oh no– not that! Why would I? On this here website that’s meant to promote a writer? What a dumb idea. Anyway, I’ve fired those minions and have since hired new ones. You’ll like these ones better, I promise.

First order of business, get you caught up on the Dragon magazine offerings. Yes, I know you could just go there, but I also know some of you prefer to get your Full-Time Wizard fix here. Who am I to judge?

First, we have Dr. Shelly’s Monster. You know what? R&D is fun! Is this seriously what they do all day long? Maybe not. But it was still fun hanging out with Peter and playing around with the Monster Builder. And always nice to see my pal, Monster With the Glasses again. He’s way more badass than I remember.

Next we have Party Fowl. I’m warning you– it’s a tearjerker! No really, it is. You won’t believe the bad fortune that has bestowed The Wyld Stallyns.

There you have it. My minions would love to stay and post more but they have laundry to fold. And a dishwasher to empty. And a dire kitty to feed. Hop to it!

Shelly Mazzanoble

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