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I got a badge. That’s right. A “Featured on BlogHer” badge. Oh, you know, just picked it up at a street fair along with an elephant ear and some Tibetan prayer flags.


You guys– I got a badge because my post was featured on the BlogHer homepage! If you’re wondering what that is or why it’s cool just trust me– it’s very cool! And I’m trying to so hard to act all cool but I can’t. I’m kind of freaking out, but quietly because Quinn is asleep and I forgot to turn his sound machine on tonight.

And it’s quite an honor. BlogHer is a community of women (like lots of women) dedicated to sharing and promoting quality content. Again, huge honor. Many thanks to the editors for letting me hang out in such good company on their homepage. Also, EEEEEEEEEEE!

Damn! Be cool, Shelly.

Shelly Mazzanoble

2 Replies to “Check Out My New Bling”

  1. I sooooo much love any Shelly time I get at work hanging out with such a hilarious, witty, fun human!

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