I know, I know, two updates in one week. Yes, I still have a job. No, I did not just get a home computer, and why yes, I am procrastinating and using all this valuable time to surf the internet and bring you the highlights. You’re welcome.
You might remember I told you about my interview with the brand new gaming magazine, Big Iron Vault. I had a ton of fun with it and think the magazine has a wonderful vision all gamers can get behind: Gaming is not just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. Right? Right!
I’m happy to say that issue #1 is alive and well and off to the printer. If you can’t wait the 4 weeks for a physical copy, then don’t! Download the PDF today! I did, because I’m all about instant gratification. It’s beautifully done and quite obviously a labor of love. How can you not support that?
All the details can be found here.
Later, gaters.