How freakin’ cool is this?
Oso de la Fez is now the subject of an awesome contest on Art Order, D&D’s Senior Art Director Jon Schindehette’s very cool blog.
Due to the uproar on the message boards (is uproar too strong a word if 6 people were angry?) about Oso’s bad-ass stats, R&D acquiesced and created a “more balanced” version of Oso de la Fez. I’m still using the unbalanced “Oso has a terrible secret and may or may not one day kill the entire party in their sleep” version but that’s between me and my dungeon master. If your dungeon master forbade the original Oso, try the new Oso on for size. And check this out– I believe the “more balanced” Oso will be included in the Character Builder. He’s a real bear for sure now! I have the coolest job ever.
Read about the Oso Art Challenge here. And while you’re at it, read my latest Dragon column Contrition of a Full-Time Wizard here. You’ll find Oso’s new stats at the bottom of the page.
Fez 4-ever.
I might not have been clamoring on the boards, but I am happy to see a balanced balancing bear. The wizard in our party has…a messed up catsnake for a familiar.
Like that!
Wow. Now I think I want a catsnake! That picture is oddly cute. Maybe because it reminds me of my little, sweet Zelda.
Wow, is the catsnake wrong on so many levels … not least would be the hairballs! Didn’t wizards everywhere learn their lessons with the owlbear?