Seriously. Have you ever seen anything so cute? Well, sure, maybe your own baby pictures but I’m just batty over this one. Check out my red shoes and unbrushed hair (uh, Mom, what’s up with that?) and intent “reading face.” I just love baby me.
I was home recently for the holidays and went through a ton of old photo albums. I pulled a whole slew of photos out to bring back home with me. I will never get tired of looking at old photographs. I analyze every detail: what pictures were hanging on the walls, what kind of cake we had at my cousin Tracy’s birthday, what stuffed animals were in the background on my bed. No matter how many times I stare at these pictures I always find something new.
I particulary love this picture because it’s one of the few of me as a “baby.” I realize I’m not really a baby here but it’s one of the earliest photos of me in existence? Why? Well as my mom tells it, I wasn’t the cutest baby.”
“Your father wouldn’t take your hospital pictures to work,” she said. “And now I have no idea where they are.”
The nerve!
Sure, there are pictures of me freshly out of the oven, but only because my older brother Mike happened to be holding me. Or staring at me. Or sneering at me. It was really him, the Golden Child, they were after. I was merely a prop– like this book they gave a two year old to read.
Unfortunately my scanner is somewhere in my storage unit so I can’t show you what my teddy bear Pooh looked like as a baby or the shot of a four year-old me totally blissed out because of the red bookshelves I got for my birthday or the one of my brother on the verge of an asthma attack when he saw the blue elephant cake my mom made him for his sixth birthday. He really loved elephants.
On second thought maybe I will dig out that old scanner. That cake was pretty awesome.