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Hooray! Judy has some new subjects to regale with her dazzling wit and wisdom! The following people guessed the correct answer in the “Read Between the Lines with Judy” contest!





Melanie M.

Forrest Jon M.

Good job, everyone! Judy is ready and eager to take your questions so please feel free to email me and I’ll pass them on to her. Warning: she’s very busy now helping me find recipes for my annual holiday party so she might be a bit slow getting back to you. And she writes in ALL CAPS because she doesn’t like/know how to use the shift key. She’s not yelling at you. She’s just (perhaps) lazy.

Welcome to my world. You’ll like it. Really!

Shelly Mazzanoble

4 Replies to “And the Winners Are…”

  1. Congratulations to the winners!

    Shelly, I love the new look of your blog. I think Seattle has the prettiest skyline among American cities.

  2. Things are going great in my life at the moment, so I am willing to offer up my question to someone who needs Judy’s help.

  3. Aw, Melanie, that’s really nice to hear! Judy will love that! You can offer it up but Judy will also answer any question might have down the road. She’s very generous like that.

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