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I’m pretty proud of my webpage and I can be because I had nothing to do with it! My very talented website designer, Karin Bolstad did the whole thing (with a little “Can that be in italics? You can make that a link??? from me.)

Karin is not only a wonderful webdesigner (and very patient and easy to work with too!) she’s also a really good illustrator. To prove my point, check out the life-likeness of my two favorite animal companions. You’ll find them both on this website.


Yes, it’s really me updating this website. Karin is that good of a teacher! Someone please call me right now and ask what I’m doing so I can say, “Oh nothing…just updating my website with pictures of my dearly departed dog and ex-boyfriend’s cat.” Er, actually, that doesn’t sound nearly as cool as I thought it would. No matter. Welcome to my website. I hope you’ll come back and visit.

As of tomorrow I’ll be DC for the American Library Association and then on vaction for 10 days so I’m already coming up with excuses why this thing won’t be updated. But do check back. If nothing else, I’ve got hundreds of pictures of Charlie and Zelda. I’ll post pictures of your pets too. And your self-indulgent diary entries. Bring ’em on!


Shelly Mazzanoble

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