Hey friends! You might be thinking what is going on with this site??? Did Shelly finally listen to Dwayne from Perdido, AL and just stop writing already? (Dwayne was not a fan of my first book.)
Sorry, Big D, but quite the contrary. I’m writing my face off over at Substack. Get this– Middle-Aged Lady Mom is a weekly newsletter. That’s how often I’m writing. And you don’t even have to go looking for it. You can subscribe and let the magic wash right over you inbox. Did I mention it’s free?
What kinds of things are talking about at Middle-Aged Lady Mom?
How to find MILFs (not the kind you think)
What it feels like to be a middle-aged lady (for anyone who isn’t a middle-aged lady)
My son’s religious awakening (short-lived, but memorable)
How a picture can be worth a 1,000 words (but none of them are true)
How SportsCenter is just the Real Housewives for Dudes (I said what I said!)
Real heady stuff. Quality journalism. Hard-hitting and thought-provoking.
It’s not that I don’t love it here, it’s just that the real action is happening over there.
Sign up for Middle-Aged Lady Mom here.
Did I mention it’s free?