Oh man, The Bachelor sure doesn’t lack for writing fodder. It’s like a two-year old that way. Also in other ways like the fearful, petchulant, moody behavior of the contestants. Also the gullibility and belief in fairy tales. Also… wow. Maybe that’s a whole separate column.
As if I didn’t love In the Powder Room already, I love them even more every Monday when I write the latest Mother Rose Best and every middle of the night Tuesday when I turn it in (because I’m slow. And a bad editor. And easily distracted by shiny things on the internet.) Please read the latest installment, Save the Drama for Bahamas now. Take your time. I’ll just be shopping for plant stands on the internet.
Are you back? Okay. So much more to discuss about this season and I’ve been remiss on posting my larger recaps. I KNOW you’re dying to find out what happened. So here’s some of the highlight from where we left off.
- Olivia was mean to the girls
- She called Amanda “Teen Mom” and greatly offended EVERYONE
- Olivia still thought she had a psychic connection with Ben and that he sent her positive affirmations through his body language and secret hand signals
- Ben’s virginal tongue still hasn’t kissed anyone
- Twin Emily can NOT get over Olivia calling Amanda Teen Mom and claimed it was the most offensive thing she ever heard.
- Twin Emily is grossly sheltered. Clearly.
- As a 40-something mom with a toddler, I welcome any and all comparisons to Teen Mom. Bring on the offensive comments, Olivia!
- Caila is still super annoying and acts like a ten year-old girl who still plays with Barbie. And she’s scared to death of a relationship. Ben apparently likes that in a girl-woman.
- Jubliee melted down and got the inevitable boot. “Inevitable” because she is African-American, not because of her meltdown. I liked her. This made me sad.
- Leah went bat shit cray cray. She lost it big time and tried to take Ben’s favorite, Lauren B. down with her.
- Emily told Ben that Olivia was a meanie. Ben pretended to be surprised and saddened to hear this.
- Ben pulled Olivia aside to ask her why she was such a bully
- Because the girls are jealous of her
- Because she has a target on her back after getting the first impression rose
- Because she has ugly toes
- Because she’s a victim
- Because the girls are dumb and she is smart and wants to “talk smart things.” Like, right?

- Ben thought Las Vegas was a great place to fall in love
- Ben thought Mexico was a great place to fall in love
- Ben thought the Bahamas were a great place to fall in love
- After the girls on the Bahamas group date bitched out and ignored him, Ben started questioning the reality of finding his wife on reality TV
- Ben pondered throwing himself off a cliff in the middle of a hurricane

- Pigs swim in the Bahamas (real pigs, not a metaphor) and nearly drowned the girls over some chicken hotdogs. It was fabulous.

- Olivia was dumped on the worst private island ever and apparently left there to die.

- Some other girls went home crying in black SUVs. Later!
And that’s basically what you missed. Are you asking yourself why you’re not watching this gold? Put down that book and get cultured for goodness sake!